It all began one hot Chicago summer in the early 80s.
Four neighborhood artists - Bob Smeltzer, Joe Kotzman, Tony Cachapero, and Rodney Patterson - decided to have an art fair. A picnic in the park. Rodney suggested that it might be a good opportunity for local artists to show and share their work to each other and to their neighbors.
Each participating artist contributed $20 for printing and other costs, and they got the word out as best they could with Joe (design) and Bob (lettering) collaborating on a poster advertising the event. Rodney’s wife, Carol Severino, played drums in a local band named The Subterraneans, which played at the one-day event. A neighbor made and sold guacamole. Bob’s wife, Avis, was given the task of registering and assigning the artists to their places.
Today, the fest continues, built on the grassroots legacy from which it began. A fest for artists that makes experiencing art free to the community. With no paid staff, all proceeds from the fest go to support arts education in local classrooms and at Holstein Park.
Triangle Association booth at the First Art Fair (1984)
Bob & Avis Smeltzer, founders of the Fest, at the first Bucktown Art Fair (1984)
Jessie Granelo, Alderman’s assistant, with Bill Ehrler & Linda Gannon, BAF Committee members (1986)
Diane Rotenberg & Carol Miller, artists (1986)
Alderman Terry Gabinski (1987)
Will Galiger, artist, and his wife
John Kroll & Rodney Patterson, artists (1986)
“That’s what I call a good picture!”- BAF participants comment at Joe Kotzman’s booth (1994)
Diane Rotenberg, artist (1986)
Bill Erhler, BAF Committee Member (and for whom Erhler Park is named!)
Some of whom you’ll see in these photos, although there are too many to mention. It is due to their ingenuity and love that we are here today. We are indebted to all the organizers and artists who have made our fest possible. We always strive to make you proud.
The Bucktown Arts Fest is under the stewardship of our wonderful volunteer committee made up of about 30 people who put their hearts into building a city for a weekend to watch it thrive – and then tear it down like we were never there.
Alderman Scott Waguespack and Elizabeth Gomez for always helping us maintain this neighborhood tradition.
The Chicago Park District and the incredible staff of Holstein Park, especially Deb Maddox, Area 6 manager, and Shannon English, Holstein Park supervisor.
The Mayor’s Office of Special Events and the Chicago Police 14th District for their continued support.
Our neighbors who put up with inconvenient street closures in the name of art and community.
And, of course, our amazingly devoted volunteers, without whom we would not exist.
Joe Kotzman, original artist and founding committee member (1988)
Wendy Pick of the Charleston Pub, who ran the beer tent many years, & Frank Nelson (1989)